Monday, February 11, 2008

It wasn't the monkeys fault

Every year Rotaracts travel to the jungle during Christmas and stay on a houseboat for a couple of days while they travel down the San Juan River delivering presents and Christmas cheer to those on both sides of the river (the river divides Nicaragua from Costa Rica). To get there we took a 3 hour busride and a 2 hour ride in a motarized dugout canoe. Miles and miles from civilization we played with children in rubber boots (there is no dry season in this area), painted faces, and took lots of of a fellow gringa, Doña Ana Moshenek, a missionary who has been working in the area for over 15 years. Since i was taking pictures i was the first to notice the blood oozing from her arm, seconds after her pet monkey had biten her. One of the children had purposely scarred the monkey who proceeded to react by biting her. Since Doña Ana had raised the little creature since it was a wee little thing, bottle feeding it and always perching him on her shoulder, she was in shock. Luckily, Doña Ana is a doctor and knew right what to do, unfortunately, the bite was on her right forearm which prevented her from being able to stitch herself up, so she asked me and i quickly agreed to help.....yeah, you heard right, i agreed to who hates blood....come on....we were hours from a hospital if i didn´t help she might not have made it. BUT....the problem was i didn´t make it either. I fainted. I did manage to get 2 shots of novicaine into the wound, but it was too much for me. The next thing i knew i was laying on the floor, shivering. There was just too much blood, and her inner muscle was very visible. This reafirmed my wise decision to change majors when i was in college from nursing to Spanish. I am happy to report that Doña Ana is doing just fine after more than 20 stitches by a fellow Rotaracter who is studying to be an orthodontist.


Hol said...

This is one of the best travel stories I've ever heard. After you told me I re-told it about 10 times with all the gore, passing out, and eventual stitching up.

MusicalMommy said...

Hey, I knew I could find you if I searched for the monkey story. lol Kara in S.F.